LoganTech visits EASTCONN’s Assistive Technology Team
Article by Joanne Lambert, M.S. CC-SLP - EASTCONN
Glen Dobbs, the president and founder of LoganTech visited the Assistive Technology team at EASTCONN to provide a demonstration on a variety of Assistive Technology products. LoganTech was founded back in 2004 when Glen and his family experienced a need to identify an acceptable assistive technology solution for his son, Logan, who has autism and is nonverbal. Glen, the president of LoganTech, used his background in engineering to help to create a better way to communicate with his son and from that he created the well-known Logan® ProxTalker®.
During Glen’s visit, he brought an array of products ranging from keyguards, mounting systems, AAC products, as well as a new waterproof keyboard. Glen demonstrated the products and the AT staff had the opportunity to interact with the array of products and ask questions.

LoganTech’s headquarters is based out of Waterbury, Connecticut. The company is staffed by dedicated employees with and without disabilities. A full catalog for LoganTech is available which encompasses low to mid-tech AAC products and accessories, IPad Keyguards, mounting solutions and cradles as well as Braille learning and Braille labeling systems. If you visit the LoganTech website, you will find an array of resources including information on their products, upcoming events, free webinars, and access to their 4-Week “Try Me” Program. You can also request a demonstration at your school, agency, or business. A variety of other resources as well as access to their blog is also available at www.logantech.com.