The Blind Perspective Review of the 6dot Braille Label Maker
Cheryl Spencer, a product review specialist (and self professed techie-geek) for The Blind Perspective wrote a wonderful, unbiased review of our 6dot Braille Label Maker in their October 2015 issue and we're looking forward to an update to that very soon.
Some of the highlights she shared in the original review included the fact that it's always ready when she needs it, is easy to take with you on-the-go, and connects to a QWERTY keyboard so people who don't read Braille can help label and teach Braille to those who do (or will). Cheryl used it right away to create a notebook full of important user names and passwords and plans in the future to label cd’s, DVD’s, vitamins, electronic equipment, the list is, as she says "literally endless".
We invite you to read this review online. Scroll down to Spencer's Spotlight in the October 2015 Issue of The Blind Perspective.